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MFPA Workshop valuation of intangible assets
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Product description
"Market analysis of patents has shown that: - the discount for the sale of incomplete scope of rights is 50%;
- The presence of the international registration increases the value of a patent is 32%;
- Regulatory estimated useful life of the patent and patent family is 10 years;
- High level of development costs in production, compared to the average, reduces the cost of a patent is 25% and the low costs, compared with the average overestimates costs by 20%;
- High level of competition in the industry, as compared with the average value of the patent reduces by 10%, and low competition, as compared with the average overestimates costs by 10%.
Calculate the average and the average percent premium discount for the international territory of the patent
by pairwise comparison of prices peers, if you know the following:
the price of the first international patent 400 000, and the price of its Russian analogue of 320 000 rubles;
the price of the second international patent 250 000, and the price of its Russian analogue is 198 000 rubles;
the price of the third international patent is 300 000 rubles, and the price of his Russian counterpart is 242 000 rubles.
Additional information
"Market analysis of patents has shown that: - the discount for the sale of incomplete scope of rights is 50%;
- The presence of the international registration increases the value of a patent is 32%;
- Regulatory estimated useful life of the patent and patent family is 10 years;
- High level of development costs in production, compared to the average, reduces the cost of a patent is 25% and the low costs, compared with the average overestimates costs by 20%;
- High level of competition in the industry, as compared with the average value of the patent reduces by 10%, and low competition, as compared with the average overestimates costs by 10%.
Calculate the average and the average percent premium discount for the international territory of the patent
by pairwise comparison of prices peers, if you know the following:
the price of the first international patent 400 000, and the price of its Russian analogue of 320 000 rubles;
the price of the second international patent 250 000, and the price of its Russian analogue is 198 000 rubles;
the price of the third international patent is 300 000 rubles, and the price of his Russian counterpart is 242 000 rubles.
4Period | |||
1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
0 | 0 | 0 | |
0 | 0 | 0 |