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MGUPI. Model calculations of probability theory. B-29.
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Uploaded: 21.09.2007
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Product description
MGUPI. Model calculations of probability theory. Option 29. Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics, MGUPI. (Former Moscow State Academy of Instrument Engineering and Informatics - MGAPI). Department of Higher Mathematics. Model calculations on higher mathematics. Title: "The theory of probability." Option 29.
E-book (DjVu-file) contains the solution of problems of control work 7 (version 29) for students MGUPI. Solving problems presented in the form of a scanned handwriting collected into a single document of 15 pages, format A4. This is stored in the Documentation format DjVu, which is open in Internet Explorer after installing utility program (plug-in). Link to download and install DjVu-plugin can be found on the company's homepage LIZARDTECH. DjVu-file that contains the conditions of tasks and their detailed solution completely and ready for viewing on your computer and print. Solution of the problem №7 with graphs and histograms obtained with the help of the program Microsoft Excel.
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