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Military Crisis Management Operations by NATO & the EU
Content: 10.1007@978-3-658-23518-5.pdf 2100,69 kB
Product description
This book analyzes both NATO’s and the EU’s military crisis management operations and provides an explanation for the fact that it is sometimes NATO, sometimes the EU, and sometimes both international organizations that intervene militarily in a conflict. In
detailed case studies on Libya, Chad/Central African Republic, and the Horn of Africa, Claudia Fahron-Hussey shows that the capabilities and preferences of the organizations matter most and the organizations’ bureaucratic actors influence the decision-making process of the member states.
•The Conduct of Military Crisis Management Operations by NATO and the EU
•The Principal-Agent Explanation for Agent Selection
•The Decision for a NATO Operation in Libya
•The Decision for an EU Operation in Chad/CAR
•The Decision for NATO Operations and an EU Operation off the Horn of Africa
Target Groups
•Lecturers and students of political science, international relations, and security studies
•Foreign and security policy-makers, government officials, and representatives of international organizations
The Author
Dr. Claudia Fahron-Hussey wrote this book as a research fellow and lecturer at the Chair of International Politics at the Institute of Political Science at the Technische Universität Dresden. She currently works as a consultant in Berlin.
NATO EU Military Crisis Management Operations Decision-Making Process Principal-Agent Approach Agent Selection Agent Characteristics Libya Chad Horn of Africa
Online ISBN
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