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Modern theories of state origin (2016)
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Product description
Introduction 3
1. The first theory of the origin of the state 5
1.1. Theological Theory 5
1.2. Patriarchal theory 7
1.3. Patrimonial theory 9
1.4. Contractual theory 10
2. Actual theory of the origin of the state 16
2.1. Organic Theory 16
2.2. Theory of violence 16
2.3. Psychological theory 17
2.4. Marxist theory 18
2.5. The doctrine of modern science on the laws of the emergence of the state 23
Conclusion 33
References used 37
1. Azarkin N.N. and others. The history of political doctrines. M .: Yurist, 2012. 532 p.
2. Alekseev S.S. Theory of State and Law. Textbook for law schools and faculties. M .: Yurayt, 2013. 624 p.
3. Borgosh Y. Thomas Aquinas. M .: Norma, Infra-M, 2010. 280 p.
4. Vengerov A.B. Theory of State and Law: Textbook for law schools. 3rd ed. M .: Jurisprudence, 2000. 760 p.
5. Hobbes T. Selected works in 2 volumes. M .: Thought, 1964. 904 p.
6. Hobbes T. Leviathan. M .: Norma Infra-M, 2016. 224 p.
7. Ancient Chinese philosophy. M .: The Enlightenment, 1972. T. 1. 604 p.
8. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Writings M .: Yantarny skaz, 2001. 592 p.
9. Nersesyants V.S. The political teachings of ancient Greece. M .: Science, 1979. 440 p.
10. Oracheva OI, Podvintsev OB Political thought in terms and faces. Textbook.-method. allowance. Perm, 2001. 582 p.
11. Protasov V.N. Theory of law and state. Problems of the theory of law and the state: Questions and answers. M .: New Lawyer, 2009. 382 p.
12. Spinoza B. Theological-political treatise. M .: RODINA-FODIO, 2011. 514 p.
13. Spinoza B. Selected Works. Rostov n / d, Phoenix, 2008. 724 p.
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