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Necessary defense and emergency (2016)
Content: S18-165.rar 80 kB

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Product description
Table of contents
Introduction 3
1. Required defense 6
1.1. The value of the institution of necessary defense and its essence 6
1.2. Limits to the exercise of the right to the necessary defense 11
2. Extreme necessity 29
2.1. The concept and meaning of extreme necessity 29
2.2. The condition of the legality of extreme necessity relating to danger and protection from danger 34
3. Comparison of extreme necessity, necessary defense and other related institutions 42
3.1. Comparative legal analysis of extreme necessity and other circumstances precluding the crime of the act 42
3.ٕ2. From
З а ٕ к ٕ л ٕ юче ٕ н ٕ ие 53
From p ٕ iso ٕ to l ٕ itter ٕ atur ٕs 57
Normative legal acts
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