- Games 328228
- 7 Days to Die 65
- Age of Empires 369
- Age of Mythology 44
- Age of Wonders 240
- ALIEN: Isolation 73
- ArcheAge 11
- ARK: Survival Evolved 69
- Arma 421
- Armored Warfare: Проект Армата 216
- Baldur's Gate 3 110
- Banished 8
- Batman: Arkham Knight 150
- Battle.net 161
- Battlefield 1 135
- Battlefield Hardline 48
- Battlefield V 141
- Black Desert 56
- Blade and Soul 15
- Bless Online 2
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 76
- Call of Duty: WWII 64
- Car Mechanic Simulator 338
- Chess The Gathering 2
- Chivalry 56
- Cities: Skylines 765
- Clash of Clans 29
- Counter-Strike 399
- Crossout 107
- Crusader Kings 331
- Cyberpunk 2077 221
- Dark Souls 288
- DarkOrbit 1
- DayZ 127
- Dead Rising 210
- Destiny 2 606
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided 118
- Divinity 132
- Don't Starve 274
- Doom 430
- Dragon Age 184
- Dying Light 455
- EA Game Cards (EA Cash Cards) 9
- EA Play/Origin 83
- EA Sports FC (FIFA) 540
- East India Company 6
- Eets 1
- Elden Ring 270
- Elite: Dangerous 77
- Enclave 7
- Endless Legend 17
- Escape from Tarkov 41
- Euro Truck Simulator 925
- Evolve 3
- Fallout 663
- Farming Simulator 426
- Firewatch 16
- Football Manager 79
- For Honor 414
- Formula 1 (F1) 175
- Fortnite 774
- Forza 967
- H1Z1 11
- Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 59
- Heroes of the Storm 18
- Hitman 2016 11
- Homefront: The Revolution 58
- Hunt: Showdown 791
- Hurtworld 7
- Insurgency 338
- Just Cause 2 41
- Just Cause 3 100
- Killing Floor 230
- Kingdom Come: Deliverance 290
- Knights and Merchants 3
- Knockout City 3
- Lords Of The Fallen 120
- Mad Max 70
- Magicka 94
- Metal Gear Solid 201
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor 88
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War 99
- Minecraft 532
- Monster Hunter 354
- Murdered: Soul Suspect 30
- NBA 2K 310
- Need For Speed 578
- Nexon 2
- NHL 106
- Nidhogg 6
- No Man's Sky 81
- Overwatch 139
- Path of Exile 153
- Planetary Annihilation 9
- Plants vs Zombies 116
- Playstation Store 1364
- Prison Architect 56
- Project CARS 79
- Prototype 63
- Rainbow Six 336
- Red Dead Redemption 333
- Risen 3 27
- Rocket League 50
- Ryse: Son of Rome 20
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R 254
- Sacred 3 25
- Sniper Elite 369
- South Park 152
- Space Engineers 125
- Space Rangers HD 11
- Spintires 22
- Star Wars Battlefront 123
- State of Decay 65
- Steam Trading Cards 13
- Stronghold Crusader 2 58
- Stronghold Kingdoms 9
- Terraria 76
- The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth 43
- The Crew 290
- The Division 294
- The Evil Within 113
- The Forest 81
- The Long Dark 75
- The Vanishing of Ethan Carter 17
- Trainz Simulator 60
- Tropico 364
- Unreal Tournament 9
- V okope 2
- Valiant Hearts: The Great War 35
- Walking Dead 128
- Warface 102
- Wargame 25
- Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide 191
- Wasteland 79
- Wolfenstein 243
- World of Warplanes 6
- World of Warships 118
- Worms 300
- XBOX: random 1
- XCOM 165
- Elder Scrolls Online 299
- 922
- 4GAME 3
- Age of Conan 9
- Aion 18
- Aliens vs Predator 30
- Aliens: Colonial Marines 29
- Allods Online 2
- Anno 426
- APB (All Points Bulletin) 1
- Assassin's Creed 1301
- Batman: Arkham City 27
- Batman: Arkham Origins 74
- Battlefield 3 79
- Battlefield 4 224
- Battlefield Bad Company 2 17
- BattleForge 1
- BioShock 179
- Borderlands 615
- Brink 4
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops 539
- Call Of Duty: Ghosts 90
- Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 72
- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 562
- Company of Heroes 181
- Crysis 150
- CyKash 1
- Dark Messiah of Might and Magic 10
- Darksiders II 58
- Dead Island 377
- Dead Space 259
- Demigod 2
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution 48
- Devil May Cry 411
- Diablo 3 72
- Dirt 292
- Dishonored 119
- Dota 2 655
- Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 174
- Enemy Territory: Quake Wars 1
- Eve Online 30
- Far Cry 970
- FEAR 71
- Final Fantasy 527
- Forgotten Dimensions 7
- Galactic Manager 6
- Garry's Mod 36
- Ghost Recon 326
- Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 479
- Grid 112
- Guild Wars 2 71
- Half-Life 91
- Hitman Absolution 35
- Injustice 162
- League of Legends 85
- Left 4 Dead 2 41
- LEGO 1224
- Lineage II 61
- Lord of the Rings Online 5
- Lost Planet 3 22
- Mafia 279
- Mass Effect 149
- Max Payne 3 35
- Medal of Honor 31
- Metro 422
- Might & Magic: Heroes 98
- Mortal Kombat 997
- Mortal Online 10
- Mount & Blade 152
- Nintendo 443
- Payday 619
- Perfect World 9
- Portal 2 41
- Pro Evolution Soccer 17
- R2 Online 1
- RAGE 60
- Ragnarok Online 5
- Red Orchestra 2 19
- Resident Evil 1272
- RIFT 3
- Rust 148
- Saints Row 262
- Second Life 1
- Secret World 12
- Serious Sam 3: BFE 38
- Sid Meier's Civilization 543
- SimCity 16
- Sleeping Dogs 55
- Splinter Cell 77
- Star Trek Online 14
- Star Wars Galaxies 2
- Star Wars: The Old Republic 22
- StarCraft II 44
- Steam 901
- Syndicate 2
- Team Fortress 2 13
- Tera Online 4
- The Sims 1248
- Thief 73
- Titanfall 115
- Tomb Raider 469
- Torchlight 65
- Total Control 81
- Total War 1087
- Warhammer 40,000 1110
- Warhammer Online 2
- Watch Dogs 447
- Witcher 240
- World of Tanks 208
- World of Warcraft 290
- X Rebirth 18
- Miscellaneous 278617
- IP Telephony 53
- Mobile Telephony 82
- Payment systems 2
- Satellite TV 11
- Cards 479
✅OBJ 279 Personal Missions 2.0 WOT buy MISSION 279
Refunds: 0
Content: unique code 16 symbols
Product description
✅If you have problems with your payment - please use Enot.io or Intercassa as a payment method. ✅
If you play on EU \ USA server - please contact the operator and request a price for your server.
Be sure to select the Missions you want us to do from the list on the right.
Be sure to click the checkbox next to the unique code that you trust the seller and provide a unique code, or send a unique product code to us after payment. The code will be provided to you after payment.
You can specify the time when we will boost the acc when ordering.
We do not use bots and illegal mods, all boost is done only by our professional gamers(boosters).
It is necessary for the service:
- Before ordering better ask the operator to clarify the possibility of the Missions on your vehicle as well as the terms of the order.
- Equipment\vehicles suitable for the task. If you need to explore some - we can do it.
- The vehicles should be in top configuration with modules and crew 1+ full perks (lamp researched for 100%).
- The stock of silver. If you need to farm some - we can do it.
- If you need to perform the task with honors, ask the operator before paying. Usually, it´s x2 of the mission price. 15th missions have options with or without honors.
- Processing time depends on the number of selected tasks.
- The price is for a task with no honors(except for the 15th, you can choose if you need to get it with honors ).
Best vehicles from UNION:
Т-100 LT, Obj.261, 212А, Obj.277, IS-7, IS-4, Obj.430у, Obj.907, Obj.140, WZ-132-1, 121, 121B, WZ-111 5A, 113
Best vehicles from BLOC:
E 50M, E50, Rhm. Pzw, Ru251, Maus, E100, Jgpz E100, Grille 15, E25, Panther, STB-1, Type 5 Heavy
Best vehicles from ALLIANCE:
Conqueror GC, М53/55, T92 HMC, Fv3805, Sheridan, T49, M41 Buldog, T71, 60TP, Super Conqueror, T110E3, T110E4, T57 Heavy, Hellcat, Cromwell, T32, T69, Centurion AX, M48 Patton, M46 Patton
Best vehicles from COALITION:
B-C 155 58, B-C 155 55, Lorr. 155 58, AMX 13 105, B-c 25t, TVP 50/51, Skoda T50, AMX 50B, AMX 13 90, FOCH B
You get as a bonus:
Improved statistics (% wins, average damage, EFF and WN8)
Tank experience
Marks on the gun
Medals and achievements
Crew leveling
We often execute Aces during grind
Refund :
If the tank is not received through our fault - 100% refund.
If the dissolution of the сlan by WG in the event, or any bans - 50% refund.
If the tank is not received through your fault, there is no return.
By ordering a service, you agree to these terms.
Additional information
You are welcome! Please leave your feedback after purchase, to do it go to the "My Purchases" section on the site , enter the mail that you used during the purchase. choose the order you have done, and leave it in "FEEDBACK" section.
The rest of our products for World of Tanks can be found here:
Recruit WOT Referral Program 6.0 2020 https://plati.market/itm/2510881?lang=en-US
World of Tanks TWITCH PRIME https://plati.market/itm/2682831?lang=en-US
GLOBAL MAP EVENT TANKS https://plati.market/itm/2213431?lang=en-US
Boosting stats: WN8, RAITING, EFF, DAMAGE https://plati.market/itm/2212978?lang=en-US
Getting 1-3 MoE https://plati.market/itm/2213441?lang=en-US
Silver farm https://plati.market/itm/2213287?lang=en-US
Farm experience https://plati.market/itm/2213311?lang=en-US
Missions EXCALIBUR https://plati.market/itm/2508342?lang=en-US
Missions CHIMERA https://plati.market/itm/2519947?lang=en-US
Missions 279 https://plati.market/itm/2536438?lang=en-US
Missions T55a https://plati.market/itm/2213389?lang=en-US
Missions Ob.260 https://plati.market/itm/2213407?lang=en-US
MARATHONS 2021 https://plati.market/itm/2958668?lang=en-US
Ranked Battles 2020–2021 Is Here! https://plati.market/itm/2626335?lang=en-US
Frontline 2020 + STEEL HUNTER https://plati.market/itm/2515318?lang=en-US
Processing Time: The operator works from 8:00 to 20:00 MSK.! Important. If you have made and paid the order after 20.00 MSK, remember, your order will be the first in line in the morning, as soon as we will continue to work, it will be processed .
Run time: Our professional players work 24\7. Important. If you need an account at a specific time, be sure to indicate this in the order.
48Period | |||
1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
0 | 2 | 9 | |
0 | 0 | 0 |