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Objectives of Social Security
Content: Задачи социальное обеспечение.rar 31,72 kB
50 $ | the discount is | 20% |
25 $ | the discount is | 10% |
Product description
Task 1
A comparative analysis of organizational and legal forms of social security and specify the main differences between them, using the following criteria: the objects of relations on social security, sources of funding for social security provided by the types of security (method of compensation of social risks), the base of support, the size (level , the volume of security provided).
Task 2
Compare the rules of pension for disability and survivor soldiers performing military service by conscription and contract, and members of their families. Indicate the similarities and differences in legal regulation.
Activity 3
Citizen Makarov was recognized as invalid 2 groups due to disease obtained using military duties in connection with the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant with the establishment of 60 per cent occupational disability.
Analyze the legislation on social protection of persons affected by the Chernobyl disaster, including rules on pensions this category of citizens. What measures has the right to social support Makarov?
Additional information
Legal problems with answers, the answer to the problem of law, Ready meet the challenges of law tasks by right answers, the solution on the right answers
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1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
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