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Option 15 idz 6.2 Collection of idz ryabushko
Content: idz 6.2 var 15.pdf 46,81 kB
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Tasks, etc - 6.2
Find y and y".
No. 1.15. 4sin2(x+y) = x.
Find y and y".
No. 2.15. { x = arctg t; y = Ln( 1 + t2 ).
# 3.15. For the given function y and argument x0, calculate y"(x0); y = x sin2x; x0 = - π/4.
No. 4.15. Write a formula for the n-th order derivative for the function y = 5ˣ;
# 5.15. Write the equation of the normal to the curve y= 6 tg 5x; at the point with the abscissa x = π/20.
No. 6.15. Two material points move along the ox axis, the laws of motion of which are x = 3t2-8 and y = 2t2 + 5t + 6. How fast are these points moving away from each other at the moment of meeting?
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