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Responses to test technical OYUI are in a file word.
Answer format: question -> answer options -> marked by the correct answer.
Answers to tests college OYUI latest, 100% guarantee the result of the test to assess the 5.
The questions in the test:
1. When was the Unified state system of record keeping (EGSD)?
2. Who to the fifteenth century. engaged in a business letter while princes?
3. What was the name finally prepared, entered into stationery document version of a document in ancient Russia?
4. Written documents era of Kievan Rus did not survive because of the
5. The first international treaty of ancient Russia are
6. As called clerical XV - XVII centuries. scientists, documentalists?
7. What has been created "General Regulations", which became the basis for the organization of office in public institutions in the eighteenth century.?
8. What is the rationally organized set of interrelated documents, created by the same rules and requirements for use in a particular area of \u200b\u200bactivity?
9. When was the decree "On the simplification of forms and official communications market"?
10. What is the aim of the Unified state system of record keeping?
11. What is the national standard currently in effect?
12. As referred to the area of \u200b\u200bmanagement of human activities on the preparation and execution of official documents, the organization of their movement, recording and storage?
13. What is the essence of the documentation?
14. What is the name received an unjustified reduction in species diversity of instruments, bringing them to the uniformity of forms, structures, language constructs?
15. What is the function of the document provides the external relations of enterprises and organizations?
16. What activities are referred to archival business?
17. In what year did the concept of "paperwork" to replace the term "documentary maintenance of management"?
18. What is the name of the office, is directly related to the creation of the documents?
19. What was the lack EGSD?
20. What is the main requirement to EGSD workflow?
21. How is a collection of interconnected documents used in a certain sphere of human activity?
22. Each sheet of paper decorated on the letterhead, and without it, the field must have at least
23. The organization´s logo will not play on the form, if it is placed
24. At what point nominative title of the person to whom the document is addressed?
25. As set out the text of the protocol?
26. What is the activity consisting in the development of optimal rules and requirements for the preparation, execution, accounting and storage of business information?
27. What is a unified management system documentation currently in effect in the country?
28. Where established classification of specific forms of administrative documents and their codes?
29. What are the signs in the eight-digit code designating the unified form of the document reflects the registration number in the subclass?
30. What group of organizational and administrative documents include orders, regulations, decrees, decisions, instructions?
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