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Payment webmoney in virtuemart (decision)
Refunds: 3
Uploaded: 28.09.2009
Content: merchant_utf_virtuemart.zip 3,64 kB
Product description
Resolves an issue in coding virtuemart merchant by webmoney. Now, explanation will be displayed correctly. Everyone knows that joomla uses UTF-8 encoding of a merchant webmoney windows-1251 and had a problem with the description of the goods when payment is now all in the past. The archive reworked the script specifically for virtuemart. working at 100%. (Tested on versions: joomla 1.5.9-1.5.14, virtuemart 1.1.13)
For his work did not need a certificate following certificate seller.
!!! This is just the solution for the original module, which is superimposed on top of the module, the module is freely available !!!
!!! For 30R No support No purchase as is. Please with crooked hands do not buy !!!
!!! If you do not like this for 30P, order for yourself from freelancers !!!
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