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Percy Jackson. A cruel world of heroes and monsters.
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Product description
Percy Jackson. A cruel world of heroes and monsters. Rick Riordan.
Before you, dear reader, is a new book by the brilliant Rick Riordan and his co-authors, a fairy tale novel that reveals terrible secrets and funny secrets of the world in which the legendary Percy Jackson lives. In terms of the number of fans, Percy Jackson has already bypassed (or almost bypassed) Harry Potter himself! Millions and millions of readers read books about the wonderful demigod boy. And the more enticing the plot, the more questions! What puts Dionysus to flight? What is the secret of Percy Jackson´s enemies? Is it easy to be a huntress with Artemis? How to become a soothsayer?.. The list of questions is endless. Discover the mysterious and diverse world of Greek mythology, the world of all-powerful gods and fearless heroes, the world of wise soothsayers and terrible monsters. Now you can feel like Percy Jackson!
Happy reading to you!
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