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Perhaps the sludge holding closed court (2007)
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Theme 1 Target 5
Perhaps the sludge holding closed court hearing if:
A) the defendant in the case of divorce does not want the story of his intimate relationship with his wife became publicly known;
B) the plaintiff is requesting compensation for damage caused as a result of terrorist acts;
B) recipients of private correspondence, investigated by a court, citing the confidentiality of personal communications, object to the use of correspondence as evidence;
D) the court considered the case on adoption of the child;
E) representatives of commercial banks objected to the examination in court a report on the financial activities of the bank, because the data contained therein constitutes a commercial secret;
E) the defendant in the case of annulment, which is a carrier of HIV, does not want information about his disease received wide publicity;
F) in the claim defense enterprise was necessary inspection documents containing information about the facts that represent a state secret.
How to arrange the question of holding a closed court hearing?
Theme 9 Problem 26
Determine jurisdiction following housing disputes:
A) at the request of Ryabchenko, the employee of "Uralmash" for him as a dwelling in need of better housing conditions;
B) at the request of the administration Luba of Yekaterinburg to invalidate the refusal of the privatization of the apartment (the apartment is in the house, referred to the number of architectural monuments);
B) at the request of celery to Solomatin eviction of arbitrarily occupied apartments in the building housing co-operative;
D) at the request of the company to Lukin for the housing subsidy for the construction of housing as the need to improve housing conditions.
Topic 10 Target 12
Schumacher got in Vladivostok used Japanese cars. For the delivery of the car in the Ural Mountains Schumacher has signed a contract with "Pit Stop" (Vladivostok), according to which the LLC "Pit Stop" took the responsibility to deliver the car to the station Sverdlovsk-sorting. The route near the station Mogocha unknown teenagers stones smashed the windshield of the car. Since the contract of "pit stop" is obliged to deliver the car in the same condition in which it was handed over, Schumacher decided to submit to the Company 'pit stop' claim for damages.
Which court in terms of territorial jurisdiction can be filed a claim, given that the Schumacher course of their work has no permanent residence in the territory of the Russian Federation?
Topic 7 Task 7
Determine the amount of the claim and the state duty:
A) a lawsuit to recover the debt in the amount of 10.3 mln. Rub. fully satisfied;
B) a claim for recovery of 1500 rubles. monthly compensation for damage caused by injury, if the court awards to charge 300 rubles. monthly;
B) a claim for the recovery of maintenance for the minor child (the average monthly salary of the claimant - 6 thousand. Rub., The defendant - 8700 rubles.), The claim is satisfied;
D) a claim for recognition of ownership of a house worth 200 thousand. Rub., If the court dismissed the claim (whether to change the price of the claim and the state fee if the house is not on the property right of a citizen, and belongs to the company);
E) a claim for the recovery of royalties in the amount of 24 minimum wages established by the law, if the court allowed the claim in part, having collected 20 statutory minimum wage;
E) claim commission on juvenile affairs for deprivation of parental rights of spouses Ratnikova against two children together and one child Ratnikova from his first marriage (the average monthly salary Ratnikova 12 thousand. Rub. Ratnikova not work) if the court allowed the claim.
With whom should be charged state duty in each case?
The power of attorney on the situation - Topic 6 Target 12
Reznikov appealed to the court against the liquid
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