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Personal correspondence of a girl
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Uploaded: 12.09.2003
Content: letter.zip 924,26 kB
Product description
Personal correspondence of a girl
The book contains personal letters to a girl with whom I corresponded over a year. Show event, no fudge. The first letter is dated 15 February 2002 and the last 2 April 2003 real names, city names, addresses and other information indicating the location of the actors replaced by ***
The book contains 203 pages of A4 size 12 font Arial. For readability, the file is compiled into a book.
Dedicated to my dear Zhenya.
Additional information
Pevye two letters:
15 February 2002 19:01
Denis the Hello !!!
Hello Denis the !!!!!
Yes, I like to kiss, but what that special way I do not have, you can poeskperementirovat, but not much to get involved in this, because I was not all pleasant ways. The first time I seriously kissed the summer sea, I did it at will when I think is the time, before this time how many did not try to kiss me, I did not give in, because I did not want, and it seemed disgusting. I do not have a pet, I do not like cats, like a dog, but then came to the conclusion that, at least for us and a great apartment dogs live better in a private house with a courtyard, where she could play. And besides, I love when the house in order, and animals such purity still will not. And what you have is a special way of kissing ??? Can share experiences, and I in this regard is not so professional.Na it all. I ran to the tutor (preparing for entry). Write. I will wait.
February 16, 2002 0:01
About all a little bit !!!!
Hello again !!!!!!!!
Yes, about the purity I have no doubt she can be, but when I asked the dog, my mother said: "You spend a lot of time to study, dad works, then I will go to all the trouble, and I have enough, and so affairs." So we decided to live without an animal, maybe when I will have my own family, I set up an somebody. Yes, I am particularly against the cats do not have anything, just not all the rocks I love, I love the Persians and kittens of all breeds, so they are the most beautiful and look like little kids. I usually go to bed at 12 o'clock, when I can read, sometimes just so tired that sleep really want to read, and there are no forces. It is a normal day, and on weekends I sit up late. I most prefer comedy, and very favorite movies I have not, because each film is good for - their own way. Recently looked liked the "Pearl Harbor" and "Moulin Rouge", previously enjoyed "The Barber of Siberia" and "East - West". From actresses like Nicole Kidman and Jennifer Lopez, actors of our singers, Menshikov from foreign Brad Pitt. And you have an addiction to movies ??? And still the question of how you can be hurt and that you can not ever forgive ??? Bye. Smack you.
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