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Physical problems with solutions. Molecular physics.
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Uploaded: 08.07.2018
Content: 8Molek2.doc 3042 kB
Product description
Book 8 - Molecular Physics is the eighth book of the 19 books in the series of problems on physics with the solution. The book is intended for school leavers entering the technical colleges, teacher of physics and persons engaged in self-education. The book contains the theory of this section and the problem of the complexity of the tasks of parts 1 (59 tasks) and 2 (60 tasks) Common exam, with detailed solutions. We also present a set of tasks for independent solving (22 tasks).
Additional information
We offer you e-books on all aspects of school physics will give an opportunity to learn the methodology of problem solving, reasoning help in solving problems, and correctly use the mathematical formalism of the school in preparing to take the exam.
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