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Uploaded: 19.02.2016
Content: ПР-3.doc 818,5 kB
Product description
Genre avanter- symbiosis of fascinating story and frank picture of gender relations.
"Pirate PAPSODIYA" - a tearjerker, and at the same time a fascinating story of how three young charming maidens - sixteen, fifteen and fourteen years of age, of different origin - count´s daughter, a commoner and a slave, a different skin color - white , kvateronka and mulatto, and different faiths - Catholic, Protestant, and a Gentile, a confluence of terrible circumstances were taken out of the usual circle of life met the man of her dreams, and together subjected to harsh, if not always an unpleasant test, not once, and not two found themselves in mortal danger, and even said goodbye to life - during the capture belonged to the French crown Islands Cornwall subjects of the King of Spain, a prisoner of the pirates on board the frigate "Ledyabolo" in the sea waves when they met with sharp-toothed sharks, exhausted from thirst in the calm on the frail little boat in the middle of the desert of the sea, in a whirlwind of terrible typhoon, one wave is in chips smashed huge galleons on an island inhabited by a tribe of savages, cannibals, were resolved on actions, not compatible with the rules of conventional morality, more than once I had the idea, that it is permissible, and that - no, with a fascinating prologue, turbulent ups and downs, and a happy ending.
The novel contains erotica on the brink of a foul. Nervous ladies, zealots of morality, and it is not recommended to read Catholic priests.
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