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Politics. PI. MEI. Examination ...
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Product description
QUESTION 1. What are the main functions of political science
QUESTION 2. What kinds of political forecasts, you know?
Question 3. What are the main stages in the history of political doctrines.
QUESTION 4. What is the basis of submission motivation?
Question 5. What is meant by legitimate authority? List the types of legitimacy.
Question 6. What are the main types of political regimes.
Q 7. What is meant by lobbying? What kind of lobbying you know?
Q 8. What are the main types of electoral systems.
Question 9. What types of administrative relations in politics you know?
Question 10. What are the features of the modern world politics?
Question 11. What are the features of a political system in contemporary Russian society?
QUESTION 12. How did the process of formation of political parties and the political system of folding in Russia?
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