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PPK grocery store
Content: ППК магаз прод.rar 68,29 kB
Product description
Ready sample production control program for the grocery store for 2020. Word format. The program contains the following professions: manager, seller, merchandiser, department head, electrician, building maintenance worker, loader, cleaner, driver, freight forwarder. There is a video clip of the contents of the PPK. + FOR FREE, when downloading, the "Requirements of working conditions for women" is provided !!!
If you have questions, see "Information about the seller and his products" there are contacts.
Receipt of goods
Plati is an instant delivery marketplace. You get access to all goods immediately after payment - you do not have to wait a minute to start using the paid goods. If you bought a book or program, then immediately after payment you will be given a download link, if you bought a prepaid card, then you will be provided with all the details of this card (serial number, PIN code) or its scanned image, etc.
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