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PR as a tool for the formation of corporate culture
Content: Диплом Корпоративная культура Виал - 64%.rar 263,8 kB
Product description
Introduction 5
Chapter 1. Corporate culture of the organization as a factor in increasing the efficiency of the work of employees 9
1.1. Corporate culture of the organization 9
1.2. Methods of creating and improving the corporate culture of the organization 15
1.3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of corporate culture 24
Chapter 2. The project to improve the effectiveness of corporate culture LLC TC "Vial" 31
2.1. Brief description of the organization 31
2.2. Assessing the level of corporate culture 34
2.3. Analysis of the organization and management of public relations in the formation of corporate culture in OOO VKT TC 46
2.3. Project for improving corporate culture 48
2.3. Evaluation of project efficiency 53
Conclusion 57
References 59
Appendices 64
Additional information
A qualitative thesis work with a natural uniqueness. All the necessary elements of the work are present: references, conclusions on sections and chapters, analytical tables and figures are present.
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