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Practical ekkaunting (Ladder)
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Product description
I. The complex task of drawing up accounting forms
The shareholders have invested in the creation of the enterprise funds in the amount of 7,600 thousand. Rub. and fixed assets general economic purpose in the amount of 2400 thousand. rub.
All fixed assets belong to the third depreciation group. The useful life of these facilities is 5 years. The company uses straight-line method of depreciation.
In accounting of income and expenses of the enterprise used the accrual method.
During the first month of business enterprise is characterized by the following operations:
1. capitalized and paid for materials suppliers in the amount of 4,200 thousand. Rub .;
2. released in the main production materials in the amount of 2000 thousand. Rub .;
3. the wages the workers of the main production in the amount of 1000 thousand. Rub .;
4. Accrued depreciation expense on fixed assets;
5. released from the main production of finished products in the amount of 800 thousand. Rub .;
6. Sold finished products. Cost of sales is equal to 500 thousand. Rub. Net revenue from sales of products is 900 thousand. Rub.
7. Accrued and paid the insurance company property insurance services general economic purpose six months ahead (including payment of the current month) to the amount of 600 thousand. Rub .;
8. paid workers´ wages in the amount of primary production of 800 thousand. Rub .;
9. redeemed receivables for products sold in the amount of 500 thousand. Rub.
1. Make up the balance sheet at the beginning of the reporting period and the end of the reporting period (months) after the reflection in the accounting of all of the above transactions (excluding tax).
2. Make a Profit and Loss Statement for the analyzed month.
3. Make a Statement of Cash Flows for the analyzed month.
II. Tests on financial accounting
1. The accrual (accrual basis, accruals) implies that:
a) the costs and revenues should be reflected in the account of the reporting period to which they relate;
b) the costs and revenues should be reflected in the account of the reporting period to which the inflows and outflows of cash, the corresponding;
c) business transactions are recorded at the time of payment of money for them;
d) in the reporting period recorded any expenses regardless of whether they have led to income of the period or not.
2. In calculating the profit on sales is not considered the value of:
a) the cost of goods, products, works and services;
b) selling expenses;
c) interest income and interest expense;
d) administrative expenses.
3. Make the following classification of accounts, referring them to the assets, liabilities or equity.
Accounting accounts:
(1) Raw materials (2) Buildings (3) share capital, (4) Arrears of wages (5) The debts of participants (founders) for contributions to the share capital, (6) Prepaid expenses (7) Promissory notes issued (8) Retained earnings (retained earnings from previous years).
Assets Liabilities Equity
a) 1,2,5,6 4,7 3,8
b) 2,5,6 1,4,7 3,8
c) 2,5,6,7 1,4 3,8
d) 1,2,6 5,7 3,4,8
Additional information
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1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
0 | 0 | 0 | |
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