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Practical work "Financial Law"
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Product description
Practical work "Financial Law" - 10 tasks
Objective 1.
Give examples of actions and events in the financial legal relations.
Objective 2.
Give examples of financial relationships between individuals (the individual subjects of financial law) and legal entities (collective subjects of financial law).
Task 3.
Can the auditor to obtain documents in the audited organization he? Under what conditions might it be done?
Task 4.
Calculate the structure of revenues and expenditures of the budget of the Federal Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund on the basis of the data presented in the table and comment on them.
Task 5.
Give an example of the distribution functions of finance.
Task 6.
The amount of the expenditure part of the regional budget - 400 billion. Rub., Of which 40% are protected expenditure. Limiting the size of the budget deficit is provided in the amount of 40 billion. Rubles. The amount of fixed income - 250 billion rubles.
Calculate the amount of revenues governing region. Determine in what respect% is necessary to sequester the budget, if at the time of execution of the budget deficit by 15% higher than expected.
Target 7.
The entity has a free capital of 80 mln. Rubles. and he wants to put that amount on deposit for two years.
Bank "A" offers a deposit contract for two years at the rate of 130% per annum with annual accrual of income. At the same time, the Bank "B" offers another version of the deposit agreement for two years with quarterly accrual of income at the rate of 110% per annum.
What investment option should be selected, provided that the interest income a) are not charged, b) are awarded?
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1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
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