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Practice Internet Marketing (Synergy Mn_IM)
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Product description
Practice Internet Marketing (Synergy Mn_IM) Score 100 points - Excellent
A complete set of documents for practice includes:
1. Individual plan
2. Individual task
3. Practice diary
4. Brief report on practice
38.03.02 Management (profile: Internet marketing)
Individual assignment for educational practice (practice for obtaining primary professional skills).
Competency code Content of an individual assignment
Analytical part. Make a general description of the organization under study: name and organizational and legal form; type of ownership; legal and actual addresses, especially territorial location; mission; type of economic activity (industry); types of products or services provided; the main factors of the external environment (business environment and macroenvironment), their impact on the activities of the organization.
Solving a professional problem. Compile a brief historical background on the stages of development of the organization under study and evaluate the stage of its life cycle according to one of the life cycle models (for example, L. Greiner or I. Adizes).
Analytical part. Analyze and describe the organizational structure of the studied organization: basic type of OSU; features of the OSU; organigram OSU; the main types of organizational powers of management (linear, functional, staff, representative, conciliatory, etc.); the level of centralization (decentralization) of management; the main goals and functions of the departments; the main responsibilities of the heads of departments; the main ways of ensuring the interaction of performers (coordination mechanisms according to G. Mintzberg).
Solving a professional problem. Identify and describe the shortcomings of the existing organizational structure. Justify and formulate proposals for optimizing the organizational structure: changing the basic type of structure, creating or reorganizing units, etc.
Analytical part. Assess the professional competence of managers of the studied organization and heads of departments; assess the degree of competence compliance with the goals, objectives and characteristics of the work of the studied organization.
Solving a professional problem. Describe the required professional competencies of managers of the studied organization for three levels of management.
Analytical part. Analyze and describe the planning system in the field of Internet marketing: the main planning tasks; types of organizational plans and their purpose; the nature of the execution and control of activity plans.
Solving a professional problem. Assess the degree of compliance of the planning system with the goals, objectives and characteristics of the organization. Formulate specific proposals for improving the system of planning the activities of the studied organization.
Analytical part. Analyze and describe the characteristic features and specific features of the control system: the main types of control by periods (preliminary, current, final) and scale (total, functional, external, etc.); the scale of permissible deviations for the main indicators of the work of the studied organization (department); principles of control efficiency.
Solving a professional problem. Assess the degree of compliance of the control system with the goals, objectives and characteristics of the studied organization.
Additional information
An individual plan for educational practice (practice for obtaining primary professional skills and abilities).
1 Preparatory stage
Safety briefing. Obtaining information about the goal, objectives, content, forms of organization, the procedure for passing educational practice. Familiarization with the Information Security Policy. Drawing up an individual plan and assignment. Week 1
2 Main stage
Familiarization with the organizational structure. Familiarization with job descriptions. Comprehensive analysis: organizations, incentive systems, events. Identification of qualitative inconsistencies between the stated goals and the implementation of the organization´s marketing policy. Making comments and suggestions to improve the management system in
the field of internet marketing.
3 Final stage Generalization of the information received, formulation of acquired and consolidated skills. Preparing of report. 6 week
* The obtained result of the finished work for sale is not a finished scientific work, but it can serve as the main source for writing it.
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1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
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