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Production Management test 150 questions
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Uploaded: 24.01.2016
Content: Производственный менеджмент тест.rar 25,2 kB
Product description
Production Management test of 150 questions.
Exercise 1
Explore and take notes in Chapter 1.
Choose the correct option to the issue (s) mentioned in the reply and response cards.
Question 1: How many types of ownership provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation:
1) one;
2) three;
3) four;
4) five;
5) six.
Question 2. What is the basic prerequisite for the efficient functioning of the market economy:
1) the presence of the necessary volume of fixed and
Additional information
Task 4
Continue the study of Chapter 2.
Choose the correct option to the issue (s) mentioned in the reply and response cards.
Question 1. What is the main method for the purchase of goods used state organizations:
1) the conclusion of contracts;
2) open tendering;
3) marketing research;
4) establishing long-term business relationships;
5) the use of data brochures.
Question 2. The company shall monitor the implementation of annual plans through:
1) monitoring;
2) Analysis of production volumes;
3) assessment of the financial situation;
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