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Professional ethics of a psychologist (Synergy test ans
Content: Ответы Профессиональная этика психолога тест Синергия .zip 395,89 kB
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Synergy answers to the test Professional ethics of a psychologist. 32 questions with answers. Score 88/100 points
All answers are highlighted in the file.
1. In the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, "Instructions on the procedure for the use of a survey using a polygraph by federal security service bodies" was put into effect in ... year
2. According to the Law of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation on the right of convicts to psychological assistance (No. 161 of December 8, 2003), the participation of convicts in activities related to the provision of psychological assistance can be carried out only with the consent ...
of the interviewed person
expert commission
federal security service
3. The relationship between professional ethics and social consciousness is usually expressed in the form ...
administrative regulations
4. ... is a system of socio-psychological methods and methods that contribute to the socio-professional self-determination of the individual in the course of the formation of his abilities, value orientations and self-awareness
Psychological prevention
Psychological counseling
Psychological correction
Psychological support
5. According to the norms of the duration of the main types of work of the psychologist of the customs authority, the average duration of processing the results of an individual consultation is ... hours per conversation
one and a half
two - two and a half
three - three and a half
6. According to the norms of the duration of the main types of work of a psychologist of the customs authority, the average duration of a group psychodiagnostic work of a psychologist with a group of 20-30 people is ... hours
7. The subject of a special study of ethics is ..., a special form of social consciousness and a type of social relations
8. Psychological work with convicts can be divided into three main components: personality diagnostics, psychological correction of behavior and ...
psychological prevention of destructive phenomena in the social environment of convicts
diagnostics of destructive phenomena
identification of tendencies of behavior among convicts
predicting the behavior of a convict in places of deprivation of liberty
9. According to the norms of the duration of the main types of work of a psychologist of the customs authority, the average duration of an individual psychodiagnostic work of a psychologist with one person is ... hours
four five
four to eight
two to five
10. Psychological ... - a structural unit in the enterprise management apparatus, using psychological methods for personnel decisions and organizational development
11. International principles of ethics of a psychologist working in penitentiary institutions were approved by the UN in ... year
12. The American Psychological Association´s Code of Ethics is ...
Code of Ethics for a Practical Psychologist
Code of Ethics for a Counseling Psychologist
The Ethical Code of the Educational Psychologist
13.According to the generally accepted requirements for the qualifications of a psychologist, a person with a higher professional (psychological) education and work experience as a psychologist of the II category for at least ... years can apply for the title of a psychologist of the 1st category.
14. In ethics, it is customary to distinguish two types of problems: theoretical problems about the nature and essence of morality and ... problems
15. For the first time the term "ethics" is found in the works ...
16.This is an active psychological and pedagogical influence aimed at eliminating deviations in mental and personal development, harmonizing p
Additional information
18. ... is the promotion of the full-fledged mental development of the individual, small groups and collectives, the prevention of possible personal and interpersonal problems of ill-being and socio-psychological conflicts, recommendations
Psychological counseling
Psychological correction
Psychological support
19. ... is a set of moral norms that determine a person´s attitude to his professional duty
20. ... is a system of values, legal ideas, beliefs, legal traditions adopted by members of a certain community and used to regulate their activities
Legal culture
Professional moral standards
Administrative Code
21.According to the norms of the duration of the main types of work of the psychologist of the customs authority, the average duration of one cycle of business games, trainings and other forms of active psychological work is ... hours
22. ... - the field of practical psychology, associated with the provision of practical assistance directly to the patient in the form of advice, recommendations
Psychological counseling
23. ... is helping the individual in his self-knowledge, adequate self-esteem and adaptation in real life conditions
Psychological prevention
Psychological counseling
Psychological correction
Psychological support
24. If psychological research involves the intrusion of the psychologist into the sphere of personal interests or intimate experiences of the subject, the latter ...
cannot refuse to further participate in the study
can refuse to participate in the study at any stage
may refuse to participate in the study only on the basis of a threat to life and health
can refuse to participate in the study only at stages predetermined by the psychologist
25. T. A. Prokofieva divides the professional styles of work of modern psychologists into intellectual and ...
practically oriented
26. The psychological service of the penitentiary system (UIS) of Russia provides psychological support for work with the personnel of the penitentiary system and ... citizens
persons under investigation
27. The main personal quality that determines the professional success of a counselor psychologist is ...
casual attribution
28. The term "ethics" comes from the Greek word ethos, which translates as "..."
social order
29. According to the generally accepted requirements for the qualifications of a psychologist, a psychologist of the II category must have a higher professional (psychological) education and have at least ...
three years
two years
one year
eight months
30. The main professional duty of a psychologist-psychometrist is
development of psychological techniques
development of reference and methodological materials
development of guidance documents
writing scientific articles
31. In the case when the scientific goals of psychological research should be hidden from the subject, after conducting the research, the psychologist ...
is obliged to inform the subject about the scientific purposes of the experiment
has the right not to inform the subject about the scientific purpose of the experiment
is obliged to inform the relatives of the subject about the scientific purposes of the experiment
32. The emergence of the first professional and ethical codes dates back to ... centuries
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