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Program of industrial control dentistry
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Uploaded: 03.10.2020
Content: Стоматология ППК.rar 130,97 kB
Product description
A sample of the Production and Laboratory Control Program for Dentistry, compiled in 2016, the list of documents updated for 2018 (format - Word). the amount is limited. The file contains: the production control program, the laboratory control program, the nomenclature of factors.
Sections of the program:
Passport data; Regulations; List of functions for the implementation of production control; Control over the used drugs; San.epid modes of cleaning and treatment of premises; Organization of waste collection and disposal; List of positions of employees subject to med. inspections; Types of research on medical examinations; Professional hygienic training and certification; Activities providing for the justification of safety for man and the environment ...; Sanitary-bacteriological studies; Activities necessary for effective control ...; Vaccine prophylaxis; The list of possible emergency situations; Recommended forms of accounting and reporting in accordance with applicable law; List of accounting forms for compliance with sanitary legislation; List of reporting forms for compliance with sanitary legislation; List of factors for research; The laboratory control program; Nomenclature of factors;
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