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Project 6x6 frame house (3D model SketchUp)
Refunds: 0
Uploaded: 03.10.2016
Content: kd-29.7z 226,1 kB
Product description
Ready-designed detail 3d model of a typical project-storey frame house size 6x6 meters, made in the program SketchUp (in the "skp" format).
Timber frame house is designed according to the "Platorma". Step struts in the wall frames - 625 mm. The outer cladding is made OSB-3 size 1250h2500h12 mm.
For the convenience of the contents of the 3D model is divided into layers on the basic elements of the framework: harness, Plug-joists, subfloor, walls, siding (OSB-3), attic joists, truss system, etc.
Additional information
To work with the "SKP" format files needed SketchUp program, the base (standard) version which is free. If the program is not installed on your computer, you can download it on the official website at: http://www.sketchup.com/download.
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