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Task 1.4
Find the law of motion of a body weighing 1 kg under the action of a constant force 2 H, if at the time t = 0 we have
X0 = 1 and v0 = 2 m / s.
Task 1.14
Find the intrinsic lifetime of an unstable particle of a meson moving at 0.99 s if the distance it travels before decay is 0.1 km.
Task 1.24
The flywheel, which has the form of a disc weighing 10 kg and a radius of 0.1 m, was untwisted to a frequency of 120 min-1. Under the influence of friction, the disk stopped after 10 seconds. Find the moment of frictional forces, considering it constant.
Task 1.34
The proton passed an accelerating potential difference of 200 MB. How many times is its relativistic mass greater than the rest mass? What is the speed of the proton?
Task 1.44
The average kinetic energy of the translational motion of gas molecules is 15 x 10-21 J. The concentration of molecules is 9 x 1019 cm-3. Determine the gas pressure.
Task 1.54
Determine the diffusion coefficient of helium at a pressure of 1 • 106 Pa and a temperature of 27 ° C.
Task 1.64
Find work and change the internal energy during adiabatic expansion of 28 g of nitrogen, if its volume has doubled. The initial temperature of nitrogen is 27 ° C.
Task 1.74
The thermal machine operates on the Carnot cycle, efficiency. Which is 0.4. What will be the efficiency? This machine, if it will perform the same cycle in the opposite direction?
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