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Problem 2.5
At a distance of 8 cm from each other in the air are two charges of 1 nC. Identify the tension and
The field potential at a point 5 cm away from the charges.
Task 2.15
The charge of 1 nC is transferred from infinity to a point located at a distance of 0.1 m from the surface
A metal sphere with a radius of 0.1 m, charged with a surface density of 10-5 cells / m2. Identify
Work of charge transfer.
Task 2.25
Two capacitors of the same capacity of 3 μF are charged one to a voltage of 100 V, and the other to 200
B. Determine the voltage between the capacitor plates if they are connected in parallel:
A) of the same name;
B) unlike charged with masonry.
Task 2.35
At the ends of a nickel conductor 5 m long, a potential difference of 12 V is maintained.
The current density in the conductor, if its temperature is 540 ° C.
Task 2.45
A current of 4 A flows along an annular conductor with a radius of 10 cm. In parallel with the plane of the annular conductor
At a distance of 2 cm above its center is an infinitely long rectilinear conductor,
Which flows current 2 A. Determine the induction and the strength of the magnetic field in the center of the ring.
Consider all possible cases.
Task 2.55
An electron with an energy of 300 eV moves perpendicular to the lines of induction of a homogeneous magnetic field
The intensity of 465 A / m. Determine the Lorentz force, velocity and radius of the electron trajectory.
Task 2.65
A coil of 100 turns with an area of 15 cm2 rotates at a frequency of 5 Hz in a uniform magnetic field
By induction of 0.2 T. The axis of rotation is perpendicular to the coil axis and the field induction lines. Identify
The maximum electromotive force of induction in the coil.
Task 2.75
By the condition of Problem 74, to determine the work when the frame is rotated to a position at which its plane
Coincides with the direction of the induction lines of the field.
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