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Task 1.6
A solid ball weighing 1 kg and a radius of 5 cm rotates about an axis passing through its center. The law of rotation of the sphere is expressed by the equation φ = 10 + 5t - 2t2. At a point farthest from the axis of rotation, a force tangent to the surface acts on the ball. Determine this force and the braking moment.
Task 1.16
An electron whose velocity is 0.9 s moves toward a proton having a velocity of 0.8 s. Determine the speed of their relative motion.
Task 1.26
With a ball at rest of 2 kg, the same ball is moving, moving at a speed of 1 m / s. Calculate the work done as a result of deformation with a direct central inelastic impact.
Task 1.36
Calculate the velocity, total and kinetic energy of the proton at a time when its mass is equal to the rest mass of the a-particle.
Task 1.46
In a vessel having the shape of a sphere with a radius of 0.1 m, there is 5.6 g of nitrogen. To what temperature can the vessel be heated if its walls withstand a pressure of 5? 105 Pa?
Task 1.56
40 g of argon is contained in a 5 l vessel. Determine the average number of collisions of molecules per second at a temperature of 400 K.
Task 1.66
Determine the amount of heat reported to 88 g of carbon dioxide if it was isobaric heated from 300 K to 350 K. What kind of work can this gas do and how will its internal energy change?
Task 1.76
With a direct Carnot cycle, the heat engine performs a job of 1000 J. The heater temperature is 500 K, the temperature of the refrigerator is 300 K. Determine the amount of heat received by the machine from the heater.
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