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Task 1.7.
The car moves along the curve of the highway, which has a radius of curvature of 100 m. The law of motion of the car is expressed by the equation s = 100 + 10t-0,5t2. Find the speed of the car, its tangential, normal and full acceleration at the end of the fifth second.
Task 1.17
The radioactive core emitted from the accelerator at a rate of 0.8 s, ejected in the direction of its motion to the particle at a rate of 0.7 sec relative to the accelerator. Find the velocity of the particle relative to the nucleus.
Task 1.27
The mass of the projectile is 10 kg, the weight of the barrel is 500 kg. When a shot is fired, the projectile receives kinetic energy of 1.5-106 J. What kinetic energy does the trunk of the gun receive as a result of recoil?
Task 1.37
Find the momentum, total and kinetic energy of the electron moving at a speed equal to 0.7 s.
Task 1.47
At a temperature of 300 K and a pressure of 1.2-105 Pa, the density of a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen is 1 kg / m3. Determine the molar mass of the mixture.
Task 1.57
Determine the coefficient of internal friction of air at a temperature of 100 K.
Task 1.67
At what process is it more profitable to produce air expansion: isobaric or isothermal, if the volume increases fivefold. The initial gas temperature in both cases is the same.
Task 1.77
Find the change in entropy when 2 kg of water is heated from 0 to 100 ° C and then converted to steam at the same temperature.
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