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Task 1.2
Find the law of motion of a body weighing 1 kg under the action of a constant force 10H if at the time t = 0 the body rests at the origin (x = 0).
Task 1.12
What speed should a moving body have in order for its longitudinal dimensions to be halved?
Task 1.22
The solid sphere rolls down an inclined plane, the length of which is 1 m and the angle of inclination is 30 °. Determine the velocity of the ball at the end of the inclined plane. Friction of the ball on the plane is not taken into account.
Task 1.32
The kinetic energy of the particle turned out to be equal to its rest energy. What is the speed of this particle?
Task 1.42
The ideal gas pressure is 10 mPa, the concentration of the molecules is 2 • 1012 cm-3. Determine the average kinetic energy of the translational motion of one molecule and the temperature of the gas.
Task 1.52
Determine the average length and average duration of the mean free path of molecules of carbon dioxide at a temperature of 400 K and a pressure of 1.38 Pa.
Task 1.62
How many times will the volume of 2 moles of oxygen increase under isothermal expansion at a temperature of 300 K, if 4 kJ of heat is reported at this gas.
Task 1.72
How will the entropy of 2 moles of carbon dioxide change under isothermal expansion if the gas volume increases fourfold.
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