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Task 4.2
What should be equal to the kinetic energy of the proton, so that the de Broglie wavelength coincides with
Its Compton wavelength?
Task 4.12
Using the uncertainty relation, show that there can not be electrons in the nucleus.
The linear dimensions of the core are taken to be 5.8 x 10-15 m.
Problem 4.22
The electron is in an infinitely deep one-dimensional potential well 0.1 nm in width. Calculate
The wavelength of the radiation in the transition of an electron from the second to the first energy level.
Task 4.32
Which spectral lines of which wavelengths arise if the hydrogen atom is converted to the 3S state?
Task 4.42
Calculate the mass defect, the binding energy and the specific binding energy of the alpha particle.
Problem 4.52
What is the energy of gamma photons if, when passing through an iron layer 3 cm thick
The radiation intensity is attenuated threefold.
Task 4.62
Iron has a body-centered cubic lattice. Calculate the lattice parameter and the distance
Between the nearest neighboring atoms. The density of iron is 7.87 g / cm3.
Task 4.72
Calculate the specific heat of rubidium at temperatures of 3 K and 300 K. The Debye temperature for
Rubidium 56 K.
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