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Problem 4.3
At what value of velocity is the de Broglie wavelength of the particle equal to its Compton length
Task 4.13
What is the minimum uncertainty of the coordinate of a resting electron?
Task 4.23
The proton is in an infinitely deep one-dimensional potential well with a width of 0.01 pm. Calculate
The wavelength of the radiation when the proton passes from the third to the second energy level.
Task 4.33
What is the Bohr radius of the singly ionized helium atom?
Task 4.43
Calculate the mass defect, the binding energy and the specific binding energy of the 115 V core.
Task 4.53
How many times will the intensity of radiation of gamma-photons with energy of 2 MeV change during the passage
Screen, consisting of two plates: lead 2 cm thick and aluminum, 5 cm thick?
Task 4.63
Platinum has a face-centered cubic lattice. Find the density of platinum and the distance
Between the nearest neighboring atoms, if the lattice parameter is 0.392 nm.
Task 4.73
The molar heat capacity of selenium at a temperature of 5 K is 0.333 J / (mol • K). Calculate by value
Heat capacity of the Debye temperature of selenium.
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