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Problem 1.3
Find the law of motion of a body weighing 1 kg under the action of a constant force 1 H, if at the time t = 0 the initial coordinate x = 0 and v0 = 5 m / s.
Task 1.13
The p-meson is an unstable particle. Its own lifetime is 2.6 • 10-8 s. What distance will fly
P-meson before decay if it moves at a rate of 0.9 s?
Task 1.23
A hollow cylinder weighing 1 kg rolls along a horizontal surface at a speed of 10 m / s. Determine the force that must be applied to the cylinder to stop it on the path 2 m.
Task 1.33
The mass of the moving proton is 2.5 • 10-27 kg. Find the velocity and kinetic energy of the proton.
Task 1.43
Determine the average value of the total kinetic energy of one molecule of argon and water vapor at a temperature of 500K.
Task 1.53
In a container with a capacity of 1 liter is 4.4 g of carbon dioxide. Determine the mean free path of molecules.
Task 1.63
How much heat should be given to 2 mols of air to make it work in 1000 Joules:
A) in the isothermal process;
B) in the isobaric process.
Task 1.73
In the Carnot cycle, the gas gave the refrigerator 0.65 of the heat received from the heater. Determine the temperature of the refrigerator if the temperature of the heater is 400 K.
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