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Task 2.4
The space between two parallel infinite planes with a surface charge density of +5 • 10-8 and -9 • 10-8 cells / m2 is filled with glass. Determine the field strength:
A) between planes;
B) outside the planes.
Task 2.14
The surface charge density of an infinite uniformly charged plane is 30 nC / m2. Determine the flux of the tension vector through the surface of a sphere 15 cm in diameter, cut by this plane in half.
Task 2.24
A 6 μF capacitor is connected in series with a capacitor of unknown capacitance and they are connected to a DC 12 V source. Determine the capacitance of the second capacitor and the voltage on each capacitor if the battery charge is 24 μC.
Task 2.34
The temperature of the tungsten filament of the electric lamp is 2000 ° C, the diameter is 0.02 mm, the current in it is 4 A. Determine the field strength in the filament.
Task 2.44
On two infinitely long rectilinear parallel conductors, currents of 5 and 10 A flow in one direction. The geometrical location of the points at which the magnetic field induction is zero is at a distance of 10 cm from the conductor with a smaller current. Determine the distance between the conductors.
Problem 2.54
What acceleration does the conductor acquire with a mass of 0.1 g and a length of 8 cm in a uniform magnetic field of intensity 10 kA / m, if the current in it is 1 A, and the directions of current and induction are mutually perpendicular?
Task 2.64
In a plane perpendicular to a homogeneous magnetic field of intensity 2 · 105 A / m, a rod 0.4 m long rotates about the axis passing through its center. In the rod, an electromotive force of 0.2 V. is induced. Determine the angular velocity of the rod.
Task 2.74
A square frame with a side of 1 cm contains 100 turns and is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 100 A / m. The direction of the field is 30 ° with the normal to the frame. What kind of work is done when the frame is rotated 30 ° to one side and the other, if the current flows through it 1 A?
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