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Task 3.4
The oscillation period of the mathematical pendulum is 10 s. The length of this pendulum is equal to the sum of the lengths of the other two
Mathematical pendulums, one of which has a vibration frequency of 1/6 Hz. What is the period
Oscillations of the second of these pendulums?
Task 3.14
In a vacuum, a plane electromagnetic wave propagates. Amplitude of electric strength
Wave field of 100 V / m. What energy does this wave carry through a 50 cm2 area located
Perpendicular to the propagation direction of the wave, in a time t = 1 min. The wave period is T << t.
White light falls on the film of glycerine with a thickness of 0.25 μm. How will the color of the film appear in
Reflected light if the angle of incidence of the rays is 60 °?
Task 3.34
A plane monochromatic light wave (Q = 0.7 / im) normally falls on a narrow slit. What is
Width of the slit, if the first diffraction maximum is observed at an angle equal to 1 °?
Task 3.44
Natural light falls on the surface of the dielectric at an angle of total polarization. Coefficient
The transmission of light is 0.92. Find the degree of polarization of the refracted ray.
Task 3.54
What kinetic energy protons should possess, so that when they move in carbon disulfide
A Cherenkov glow was observed.
Task 3.64
Considering that the Sun radiates as a black body, calculate how much the mass of the Sun decreases during the year
And how much it is percent. The temperature of the surface of the sun
Equal to 5780 K.
Task 3.74
The red boundary of the photoelectric effect corresponds to a wavelength of 0.332 μm. Find the length of a monochromatic
A light wave incident on an electrode if the photocurrent stops at a delayed difference
Potentials equal to 0.4 V.
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