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Task 3.7
The current strength in the oscillatory circuit varies according to the law I = 0.1 sin 103t A. The inductance of the circuit is 0.1 H.
Find the law of voltage change on the capacitor and its capacitance.
Task 3.17
The oscillating points are removed from the source of oscillations by a distance of 0.5 and 1.77 m in the direction
Propagation of the wave. The phase difference of their oscillations is equal to 3/4. The oscillation frequency of the source is 100 s -1.
Determine the wavelength and the speed of its propagation.
Task 3.27
Normally monochromatic light falls on a thin glass wedge. The smallest thickness of the wedge, s
Which show interference fringes in reflected light, is 0.12 μm. Distance between
With strips of 0.6 mm. Find the angle between the surfaces of the wedge and the wavelength of light, if the exponent
Refraction of glass 1.5.
Task 3.37
What should be equal to the width of the grating with a period of 10 μm, so that in the spectrum of the second
Order was resolved doublet? 1 = 486.0 nm and? 2 = 486.1 nm?
Task 3.47
What is the angle between the main planes of the two polarizers, if the intensity of light,
Passed through them, decreased by 5.3 times? To consider that each polarizer reflects and absorbs
13% of the light incident on them.
Task 3.57
The Cherenkov counter from the rock salt is a beam of relativistic electrons with a kinetic
Energy of 0.511 MeV. Determine the angle of the light cone solution.
Task 3.67
The density of the energy flux in the laser pulse can reach 1020 W / m2.
Determine the pressure of such radiation normally incident on the black surface.
Task 3.77
As a result of Compton scattering by a free electron, the energy of the gamma-photon decreased by three
Times. The photon scattering angle is 60 °. Find the kinetic energy and momentum of the recoil electron. Before
Collision the electron rested.
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