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Task 3.9
A capacitor with a capacity of 0.4 μF is informed of a charge of 10 μC, after which it is closed to a coil with
Inductance 1 mH. What is the maximum current in the coil?
Task 3.19
Determine the length of the sound wave in the air at a temperature of 20 ° C, if the oscillation frequency is 700 Hz.
The installation for observing Newton´s rings is illuminated by monochromatic light, incident
fine. The wavelength of light is 0.5 μm. Find the radius of curvature of the lens, if the diameter of the fourth dark
The ring in reflected light is 8 mm.
Task 3.39
A narrow beam of X-rays with a wavelength of 0.095 nm falls on the face of the rock salt crystal.
What should be equal to the slip angle of the rays in order to observe the diffraction maximum of the third
Order? The distance between the atomic planes of the crystal is 0.285 nm.
Task 3.49
A 3 mm thick quartz plate cut perpendicular to the optical axis was placed between
Two polarizers. Determine the rotation constant of quartz for red light, if its
The intensity after passing through this system is maximal when the angle between the principal planes
Polarizers of 45 °?
Task 3.59
How many times will the intensity of monochromatic light change as it passes through two layers
Absorber thickness of 20 and 10 cm having linear absorption coefficients of 0.05 cm-1 and 0.2 cm-1
Task 3.69
The light pressure with a wavelength of 0.6 μm falling normally on the black surface is equal to 1 μPa.
Determine the number of photons falling per second per 1 cm2 of this surface.
Task 3.79
A gamma photon with a wavelength of 2.43 pm has experienced Compton scattering by a free electron strictly
Back. Determine the kinetic energy and momentum of the recoil electron. Before collision, an electron
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