Psychodiagnostic questionnaire "Module"

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Product description

Psychodiagnostic questionnaire "Module"

Electronic test. 2018. - 15 р. Center for Psychiatric Care and Professional Psychophysiological Selection. Authors of the program: Golev S.V., Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Goleva O.S., Master of Psychology.
The material was developed within the framework of the program "Psychodiagnostics in Excel".

This file includes: a test in Microsoft Excel format, a spreadsheet of full calculation of test results on scales with transfer to walls and percentages, an automated test result schedule, a questionnaire (200 questions), keys, tables for transferring raw balls to the walls and a general interpretation test.

Description of the procedure
Psychodiagnostic questionnaire (PDO) "Module" is developed on the basis of questions of the standardized questionnaire SMIL and some other psychological methods and is intended:
* to determine the level of neuropsychic resistance, identify character accentuations, symptoms of borderline mental disorders (neurotic reactions, conditions, psychopathies, etc.);
* Correlation of the revealed violations with the diagnostic criteria of section 5 of ICD-10.
The methodology of the "Module" PDO allows to reveal the character accentuations, the symptoms of borderline mental disorders, in order to take into account the risk of possible disadaptation disorders among servicemen, especially in the early stages of the service and their character in each specific case. The proposed method is convenient for rapid assessment in the presence of certain violations and attribution of the symptoms to a specific modulus of disorders in accordance with the diagnostic criteria of ICD-10.

The test includes and describes the following scales:

Scale of "lies".
Anamnestic block.

Module 1: "Psychotic syndromes (schizotypic, delusional disorders) and affective mood disorders."
F20-F29 - psychotic syndromes (schizotypic and delusional disorders) - group A.
F30-F39 affective syndromes (affective mood disorders) - group B.

Module 2: "Neurotic, somatoform disorders and behavioral syndromes."
F 40-48 - neurotic, stress-related, somatoform disorders (group C):
Anxious-phobic and other anxiety disorders "(panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder of F41).
"Isolated phobias" (F40.2.).
Somatic and asthenic symptoms (conversion symptoms, mental and physical asthenia, sleep disorders, eating behavior, somatoform disorders) (F44 and F48).

Module 3: "Disorders of personality and behavior in adults"
Paranoid personality disorders (F60.0).
Dissocial personality disorders (F60.2).
Anxiety disorders of personality (F60.6).
The integral indicator of the "Module" PDO (Sum = Anamnestic Block + M1 + M2 + M3).
A group of NPU.

Additional information

Recommended for psychologists, educators, psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, doctors, coach-coaches


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