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Psychology and Pedagogy. Answers to tests (score 5) ...
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Task 1.
Question 1. What is the lack of profiles compared with the resume?
Question 2: What kind of advice is not to be followed in the preparation of a resume?
Question 3. What do employers use to get information about the candidates for the vacant jobs?
Question 4: What approach should be used in the preparation of a resume?
Question 5: What you would not do when filling out the questionnaire?
Task 2.
Question 1. What part does not contain the letter?
Question 2. What you will not do so before you go for testing?
Question 3. What is not a point of preliminary preparation for the interview?
Question 4: What is self-esteem should conduct rabotonanimatel?
Question 5. What will help relax before answering a question?
Task 3.
Question 1. What should you do if you were asked in the interview about what you can not handle in the past, or some of your very negative trait in the past?
Question 2. What question should not ask someone who carries an interview with you?
Question 3. What is the beginning of the interview the interviewer asks questions such as "How old are you?", "Where do you live?", "What do your parents do?"?
Question 4. What question can be completed in a job interview?
Question 5: Why did the interviewer interested in the question, how long have you worked on the last job?
Task 4.
Question 1. What do you are wearing to the interview?
Question 2. How to behave at the interview?
Question 3. What percentage of your voice takes on the overall impression produced on those around you?
Question 4. What is meant by such a psychological error evaluator as indulgence?
Question 5. What is the purpose graphoanalytical analysis?
Task 5.
Question 1. What is ethics?
Question 2. The informal groups differ from formal groups?
Question 3. Could there be an informal leader of the group?
Question 4: What are the components to be considered to form an effective team? (Note the extra)
Question 5. What is konfliktogeny?
Additional information
Task 6.
Question 1. What is the formula of the conflict?
Question 2. What are the parameters determined by the degree of development of the group? (Note the extra)
Question 3. How having interpersonal relationships in the enterprise?
Question 4: What is belief?
Question 5. What is Sociometry?
Task 7.
Question 1: Who does not like the band?
Question 2. The addition to the individual characteristics of a person's character is defined by its position in the team?
Question 3. What determines the professional - qualifications of the team?
Question 4: What are the social roles in the team? (Note the extra)
Question 5. What determines the success of an open group if its path meets an obstacle?
Task 8.
Question 1: What are the characteristics of informal groups?
Question 2. What determines the external structure of the group?
Question 3: Who is not nizhenazvannyh informal leader?
Question 4: What is special about a compromise leadership style?
Question 5. What characterizes the low capacity management?
Task 9.
Question 1: What are the ways to influence the head of subordinates? (Note the extra)
Question 2: Which style of leadership include:
• For the implementation of the proposal meets all.
• Instructions in the form of proposals.
• Position the head - within the group.
• Praise and blame - with tips.
• Orders and prohibitions - with discussions?
Question 3. What are the two values \u200b\u200bis the matrix management?
Question 4. What leadership style is most popular in Japan?
Question 5. What is the probability model of leadership?
Task 10.
Question 1: What are the most common types of conflicts?
Question 2: What are the phases of a constructive debate?
Question 3. What are the most important factors determining the nature of interpersonal relationships in the team? (Note the extra)
Question 4. How is the conflict the "practice"?
Question 5. What are the types of exit from a conflict situation? (Note the extra)
Task 11.
Question 1. What can you recommend to the head when in a conflict situation, he made such a mistake as otgor
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