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Psychology and pedagogy TESTS PE RIU TANTAL MEI
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Product description
Collection of tasks on the subject of "Psychology and Pedagogy" (PE) RIU TANTAL MEI, 22 tasks on five issues
Task 1.
Question 1. What is the lack of profiles compared with the resume?
1. less flexible;
2. greater volume;
3. complex in the drafting;
4. gives less information;
5. does not reflect all abilities.
Question 2: What kind of advice should be followed in the preparation of a resume? (Note the extra)
1. be as accurate as possible in the formulation and remember that vague description of the duties performed in the past can give you about as vague impression;
2. The need to describe what results you have achieved in their original workplace;
3. The need to describe all their personal problems;
4. The executive summary in any case should not be more than two pages;
5. The summary to be printed using a standard font.
Question 3. What do employers use to get information about the candidates for the vacant jobs?
1. brief summary;
2. The description of work;
3. The questionnaire, written tests;
4. medical reports, letters pleading;
5. All of the above.
Question 4: What approach should be used in the preparation of a resume?
1. chronological;
2. functional;
3. Analysis;
4. The contents of paragraphs 1, 2, 3;
5. The contents of paragraphs 1 and 2.
Question 5: What you would not do when filling out the questionnaire?
1. leave an empty space in the questionnaire;
2. put the words "not available" if the requested information in the questionnaire did not apply to you;
3. To request a second copy of the questionnaire;
4. bring a copy of the summary and other information;
5. before starting to fill it, to read the entire profile from the beginning to the end.
Task 2.
Question 1. Which of the letter contains? (Note the extra)
1. Welcome;
2. the introductory part;
3. epilogue;
4. The end of the letter;
5. The main part.
Question 2. What you will not do so before you go for testing?
Additional information
Task 22.
Question 1. What is power, based on the compensation?
1. it has influence through positive reinforcement slave in order to achieve the desired behavior from him;
2. Head enjoys a tradition, to satisfy the need for security in the Executive and accessories;
3. determined by identifying the artist with the leader or attraction to it, as well as the needs of the Executive of belonging and respect;
4. The Executive is that influencing has a particular expertise in relation to the project or problems;
5. It creates images of violence.
Question 2: What happens when a person recognizes the impact based on tradition?
1. it receives in return a sense of belonging to a social group;
2. he gets a good mood;
3. it feels unnecessary organization;
4. he feels a lot of pressure head of the organization;
5. there is plenty of time to relax at work.
Question 3. What is charisma?
1. This power, built on the strength of the personal qualities of the leader;
2. it is power based on coercion;
3. The power is based on remuneration;
4. The power is built on logic;
5. The power is built on a long tradition.
Question 4. How has the major advantage of the tradition?
1. maneuverability;
2. impersonality;
3. honesty;
4. oriented;
5. impressive.
Question 5. What has been the limitations of the method of reasonable belief?
1. less stable;
2. The more stable;
3. takes a little time;
4. act quickly;
5. stronger.
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