PVD installation project

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Content: Проект установки ПВД.rar 994,55 kB

Product description

PVD installation project PVD installation project

Description of solutions for the reconstruction of the high-pressure heater at the CHP.
In this project, a high-pressure heater was replaced.
To increase the reliability of the main equipment of the station, reduce steam losses for own needs and eliminate fuel overburning, it is necessary to replace the HPH.
Technical re-equipment will be carried out on the territory of the CHPP in the premises of the boiler and turbine shop.
Technological solutions for the replacement of LDPE include:
- replacement of the existing high-pressure heater PVD-K-400-20-4.5 station No. 5 with PV-425-230-25-4;
- reconstruction of pipelines for the supply and removal of condensate, suction of the steam-air mixture;
- reconstruction of steam supply pipelines with installation of fittings;
- reconstruction of feed water pipelines;
- replacement of the condensate level regulator;
- installation of pipelines for the exhaust of safety valves with its output outside the turbine hall.
Local control and management of the system is carried out with the help of instruments and technical means of automation installed in the control room.
The material presents sections of TX and ATX for the replacement of LDPE.

Format - DWG compatible with AutoCAD 2004-2017, Compass, ZWCAD, nanoCAD, BricsCAD, etc.


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