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Task 1.
Question 1. How long-term is defined quality management and organization of work in enterprises to control compliance with national standards of production?
1. Quality Management;
2. Total Quality Management;
3. Certification;
4. standardization;
5. metrology.
Question 2. What term refers to the relationship between the dependent and independent variables, expressed in the form of text, tables, graphics?
1. property;
2. principle;
3. Law;
4. characteristics;
5. need.
Question 3. How does the term to denote the result of activities or processes of internal activity of the enterprises?
1. service;
2. object;
3. products;
4. Money;
5. system.
Question 4: What is the totality of the organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources needed to implement quality management?
1. The quality system;
2. level of quality;
3. The relative quality;
4. characteristics;
5. process.
Question 5: What place does Russia in the world in terms of quality of life of the population in 1994?
1. 1;
2. 6;
3. 27;
4. 37;
5. 112.
Task 2.
Question 1. At what stage is formed by the product quality?
1. The contract for the supply;
2. manufacturing;
3. assembly;
4. quality control;
5. design.
Question 2. whose position was considered quality products in a command economy?
1. The consumer;
2. The management of the enterprise;
3. The superior management body;
4. Ministry;
5. Gosstandart.
Question 3. What is the science of measurement methods and quantitative evaluation of the quality of products and services?
1. Mechanics;
2. Logic;
3. qualimetry;
4. Marketing;
5. electronics.
Question 4: What contributes to improving the quality of products manufactured by domestic producers?
1. The growth of imports of goods;
2. The reduced competitiveness;
3. The increase in gold reserves;
4. The increase in export capacity;
5. efficient use of natural resources.
Question 5. What are compared in quality control of manufactured products product?
1. similar products of other companies;
2. The design data;
3. The standards of the enterprise;
4. The control sample;
5. standard (standard).
Task 3.
Question 1: How many international standards X 9000 quality systems have been developed and utvezhdeny in 1987 by the Technical Committee of the International Organization for Standardization?
1. Two;
2. Three;
3. Four;
4. five;
5. Six.
Question 2. How many stages of the product life cycle provides an ISO standard?
1. 10;
2. 11;
3. 12;
4. 13;
5. 14.
Question 3. Decision-making in the management of product quality in the enterprise is based on the control, accounting and ...
1. Analysis;
2. Planning;
3. Estimates;
4. Marketing;
5. design.
Question 4. What basic conditions set forth in the modern management of quality?
1. five;
2. seven;
3. Ten;
4. twelve;
5. Fifteen.
Question 5. production of the type of goods should begin development of production?
1. technological;
2. expensive;
3. less labor-intensive;
4. The best-selling;
5. on which technical documentation.
Additional information
Task 10.
Question 1. In what year in Japan in enterprises formed "quality circles?
1. 1958;
2. 1959;
3. 1960;
4. 1961;
5. 1962.
Question 2. What system helps to improve relations between the organization of the enterprise at the expense of good governance and the conscious behavior of every employee of the company?
1. controls;
2. Democratic;
3. The corporate culture;
4. Scientific;
5. process.
Question 3. What is the necessary condition for the transition to self-management in the enterprise product?
1. retraining of personnel;
2. Technological change regime;
3. improving the quality of technical documentation;
4. promotion of the company's management;
5. The development of a system to encourage workers.
Question 4: What are the methods of quality control recognized as an important condition for improving the profitability of production?
1. self-control;
2. The statistics;
3. economic and mathematical;
4. social;
5. technical.
Question 5. How many known methods used (tools) on the quality of the company?
1. 5;
2. 6;
3. 7;
4. 8;
5. 9.
Task 11.
Question 1. What data is used in histogram?
1. Accounting;
2. Analytical;
3. generalized;
4. measured;
5. aggregate.
Question 2. What is the method of assessing the quality of products is used when you want to set as the oscillation caused in the process of random variation?
1. checklist;
2. The time series;
3. Pareto chart;
4. histogram;
5. scatterplot.
Question 3. What analysis allow checklists?
1. economic efficiency;
2. technical feasibility;
3. The demand for manufactured products;
4. The process capability;
5. The reasons for marriage.
Question 4: How many kinds of checklists used to characterize the qualitative characteristics of products?
1. Two;
2. Three;
3. Four;
4. five;
5. Six.
Question 5. What method of assessing the quality of products is used when you want to determine what happens to one of the variables if the other variable is changed?
1. checklist;
2. The time series;
3. Pareto chart;
4. histogram;
5. scatterplot.
Task 12.
Question 1. Which term refers to verification of compliance with the object of control the technical requirements?
1. Organisation;
2. The technical control;
3. The control of compliance with GOST;
4. evaluation of the quality of products;
5. documentary control.
Question 2. What are aimed, first of all the efforts of leading world companies in the field of quality control?
1. improving methods of control;
2. The development of an effective system of incentives for workers over the decline of marriage;
3. Warning of marriage;
4. changes in methods of punishment for the committed marriage;
5. improving the technological regime.
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