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Questions for the final certification
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"State interdisciplinary examination. Questions for the final certification "- 190 questions
1. What is the difference between a share and a bond?
a) The dividend depends on the amount of profit, and may not be paid.
b) Interest on the bonds is constant and does not depend on income.
c) The bonds have the advantage of payment upon liquidation of the enterprise.
d) A shareholder - the owner of the company, is involved in its management.
d) All options are correct.
2. What question should not solve the financial manager?
a) Where to take the sources of funds?
b) What should be the value of the assets of the business and what it should be?
c) How to manage the source of funds?
d) How to manage the assets formed?
e) Where do I find partners?
3. Who is the founder of financial management?
a) Henry Ford.
b) Peter Drucker.
c) Lee Iacocca.
d) Mr. Markowitz.
d) Rothschild
4. What teaches financial management?
a) How to get the money.
b) How to manage the finances of the enterprise to achieve its goals.
c) Where to invest financial resources.
d) How to improve the finances of the enterprise.
d) All options are not true
5. Which of the following is not a financial instrument?
a) futures, options.
b) Promissory notes, stocks, bonds.
c) Forward contracts.
d) Hedging.
d) Currency.
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