- Games 327233
- 7 Days to Die 65
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- ALIEN: Isolation 73
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- Armored Warfare: Проект Армата 216
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- Banished 8
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- Battlefield Hardline 46
- Battlefield V 131
- Black Desert 55
- Blade and Soul 10
- Bless Online 1
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 103
- Call of Duty: WWII 66
- Car Mechanic Simulator 313
- Chess The Gathering 2
- Chivalry 47
- Cities: Skylines 711
- Clash of Clans 30
- Counter-Strike 195
- Crossout 108
- Crusader Kings 277
- Cyberpunk 2077 203
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- DarkOrbit 1
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- Divinity 139
- Don't Starve 265
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- Dragon Age 179
- Dying Light 453
- EA Game Cards (EA Cash Cards) 11
- EA Play/Origin 77
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- Eets 2
- Elden Ring 262
- Elite: Dangerous 74
- Enclave 7
- Endless Legend 17
- Escape from Tarkov 40
- Euro Truck Simulator 916
- Evolve 3
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- Farming Simulator 421
- Firewatch 16
- Football Manager 81
- For Honor 409
- Formula 1 (F1) 184
- Fortnite 682
- Forza 956
- H1Z1 11
- Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 56
- Heroes of the Storm 18
- Hitman 2016 10
- Homefront: The Revolution 55
- Hunt: Showdown 791
- Hurtworld 7
- Insurgency 342
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- Just Cause 3 101
- Killing Floor 211
- Kingdom Come: Deliverance 239
- Knights and Merchants 3
- Knockout City 3
- Lords Of The Fallen 127
- Mad Max 65
- Magicka 99
- Metal Gear Solid 171
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor 82
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War 95
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- Trainz Simulator 61
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- 1031
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- Batman: Arkham Origins 66
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- Injustice 161
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- Lord of the Rings Online 7
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- Mafia 269
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- Mortal Online 10
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- Nintendo 455
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- Perfect World 9
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- Secret World 12
- Serious Sam 3: BFE 33
- Sid Meier's Civilization 571
- SimCity 17
- Sleeping Dogs 57
- Splinter Cell 67
- Star Trek Online 14
- Star Wars Galaxies 3
- Star Wars: The Old Republic 27
- StarCraft II 49
- Steam 861
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- Tera Online 3
- The Sims 1211
- Thief 65
- Titanfall 109
- Tomb Raider 430
- Torchlight 60
- Total Control 81
- Total War 1102
- Warhammer 40,000 1049
- Warhammer Online 2
- Watch Dogs 464
- Witcher 213
- World of Tanks 215
- World of Warcraft 295
- X Rebirth 16
- Miscellaneous 278871
- IP Telephony 45
- Mobile Telephony 67
- Payment systems 2
- Satellite TV 11
- Cards 550
Railway Empire (Steam key)
Refunds: 0
Content: unique code 16 symbols
Product description
Release date: January 26, 2018
Age Rating: 0+
Developer: Gaming Minds Studios
Publisher: Kalypso Media Digital Ltd
Localization: Fully in Russian
Activation System: Steam
Region: Russia
United States, 1830. The influence of the New World is growing - the industry is on the rise, the struggle for control over the transport arteries of North America is intensifying. It is time for decisive actions - to beat and overcome the competitors in a difficult struggle, create an extensive network of railways and ensure a bright future for their company in the coming twentieth century. trains), acquire existing or build new stations, repair shops, factories and tourist attractions. An efficient and competitive railway network also requires painstaking work with staff and innovation, which are more than 300 in the game. During five epochs, players will not only have to technologically improve their rolling stock, but also develop infrastructure facilities. and constant innovations are unlikely to ensure a cloudless existence and prosperity of the company. Opponents do not sit with folded arms. Representatives of competing railway networks will do everything to prevent you. In such a fight, all means are good - from sabotage to industrial espionage. Key Features: Benefit from the huge economic potential of the United States, moving from coast to coast.
Bring your railway empire to prosperity by creating a developed efficient network and optimizing traffic flows.
Prove your efficiency by trying one of the suggested scenarios, or create your dream railway network in a free construction mode.
More than 40 detailed recreated locomotives and more than 30 different cars. Cleverly use their advantages and disadvantages to achieve the goal.
During five epochs, you are to master and implement more than 300 technological innovations that contribute to the development of railways.
Fight for survival and eliminate rivals in business. You will be confronted by three competing companies. Sabotage their work with raiders and spies.
Additional information
Railway Empire (Steam key) - https://plati.market/itm/2536612
Railway Empire 2 (steam key) - https://plati.market/itm/4382417
Railway Empire 2 Deluxe Edition (steam key) - https://plati.market/itm/4382419
Railway Empire 2 Journey To The East (steam key) DLC - https://plati.market/itm/4382418
Railway Empire Complete Collection (steam key) - https://plati.market/itm/3202736
Railway Empire Crossing the Andes (Steam key) - https://plati.market/itm/2536607
Railway Empire France (steam key) - https://plati.market/itm/3202733
Railway Empire Germany DLC (steam key) - https://plati.market/itm/2662162
Railway Empire Great Britain Ireland Steam key - https://plati.market/itm/2569610
Railway Empire Japan (steam key) - https://plati.market/itm/3202735
Railway Empire Mexico (steam key) - https://plati.market/itm/3202734
Railway Empire Northern Europe (steam key) - https://plati.market/itm/3202737
Railway Empire The Great Lakes DLC (Steam key) - https://plati.market/itm/2536613
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