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Realization and application of law (2017)
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Table of contents
1. The concept, nature and uses of law 6
2. Stages of application of law and problems of enforcement proceedings 16
Appendix 36
1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1993 (as amended on July 21, 2014 No. 11-FKZ) // Rossiyskaya gazeta. - 2009. - № (7) 4831. - 21 jan.
2. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of June 13, 1996 No. 63-FZ (as amended on April 17, 2017 No. 71-FZ) // Collected legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1996. - № 25. - Art. 2954.
3. Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2001 No. 174-ФЗ (as amended on April 17, 2017 No. 73-ФЗ) // Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2001. - № 52 (1 h.). - Art. 4921.
4. Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2002 No. 95-FZ (as amended on June 23, 2016 No. 220-FZ) // Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2002. - № 30. - Art. 3012.
5. Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2002 No. 138-ФЗ (as amended by December 19, 2016 No. 438-ФЗ) // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2002. - No. 46. - Art. 4532.
6. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1997 No. 118-FZ “On Bailiffs” (as amended on December 30, 2015 No. 425-ФЗ) // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1997. - № 30. - Art. 3590.
7. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings” (as amended on December 28, 2016 No. 492-ФЗ) // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2007. - No. 41. - Art. 4849.
8. Alekseev SS, Dyuryagin I.Ya. Functions of application of law / S. Alekseev, I.Ya. Dyuryagin. //Jurisprudence. - 1972. - № 2. - p. 25-26.
9. Anosova M. M. Law and law enforcement in the context of existing concepts of law: “the school of living law”, psychological, modern regulatory and integrative legal thinking / M. M. Anosova. // Theoretical aspects and law enforcement practice of the Russian legislation, April 12 - 14, 2010 - Kursk: Kursk State Technical University, 2010. - p. 146 - 152.
10. Barinov A.V. Forensic, forensic psychiatric and forensic psychological examination: List of issues: / А.В. Barinov. Training allowance. - Arkhangelsk, 2000. - 68 p.
11. Bezina A.K. Judicial practice in the mechanism of legal regulation of labor relations of workers and employees at the stage of developed socialism: Author´s abstract. dis .... dr legal sciences. / A.K. Bezin. - M., 1980. - 32 p.
12. Bekishieva S. R., Chupanova A. P. Law Enforcement as a Conceptual Basis of Legal Awareness and the Legal System / p. R. Bekishiyeva, A. P. Chupanova. // Law and Law. - 2013. - № 1. - p. 60 - 62.
13. Grigorieva, T. A., Khmeleva, T. I., Shugurova, I. V. Legal science and law enforcement / T. A. Grigorieva, T. I. Khmeleva, I. V. Shugurova. // The Civilist. - 2011. - № 3. - p. 95 - 112.
14. V. Ershov. V. Understanding. lawmaking and law enforcement / v. V. Ershov. // Russian justice. - 2011. - № 5. - p. 7 - 17.
15. Ilyasov, A.N., Effective Enforcement as a Guarantee of the Enforcement of the Right, A N. Ilyasov. // Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Tatishchev Readings: Part 1. - Togliatti: Volga University named after VN Tatishchev, 2009. - P. 120 - 126.
16. Kovalenko A. I. The General Theory of State and Law / A.I. Kovalenko. - M .: TEIS, 1999. - 320 p.
17. Commentary on the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation / Ed. G.A. Zilina. - M .: Norma, 2006. - 980 p.
18. Petrukhin I.L., Baturov G.P., Morschakova T.G. Theoretical foundations of the effectiveness of justice / Ed. ed. G.P. Baturov. - M .: Legal. lit., 1979. - 360 p.
19. Law: studies. for universities / ed. prof. ON. Thermal, prof. Mv Malinkovich. - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2005. - 495 p.
20. Redko A. A. Law enforcement in the context of human rights
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