✅ Rent Silent Hill 2 PS5 ❤️

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Sold: 50
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Content: unique code 16 symbols

Product description

✅ Rent Silent Hill 2 PS5 ❤️

✅ 0 commission via LAVA / Freekassa payment services

Before placing an order, you can always ask us a question in the chat!

📜【P2 account rental details】
➤ The account works in any country 🌍
➤ Language in the game: Russian, English and others 🌍
➤ After payment, you will be provided with instructions and access to the account.
➤ There is no PS Plus subscription on the account. "If you already have a subscription, it will also be valid on our account"
➤ We guarantee security 🛡️ since the account was created by our team, and the game was officially purchased in the PS Store.

After payment, you will receive a unique 16-digit payment confirmation CODE.

1) Copy the unique code you received on the purchase page.
2) Scroll down the page and click on the "CONTACT THE SELLER" button.
3) Paste the copied unique code into the message and click "SEND MESSAGE".
This instruction is mandatory for all customers! Please send the payment confirmation CODE so that we can start processing your application. Do not waste your and our time on additional correspondence.

📜【P2 account rental rules】
➤ The account is issued according to the rule: one account per person.
➤ During the rental period, you must play from our account and remain connected to the Internet on the console.
➤ Upon expiration of the rental period, access to the game is suspended.
➤ You can extend the rental period by sending a request through the "My purchases" section on the product page, in the chat, or by writing to us in telegram.
➤ After completing the game, delete the account from the console if you no longer need it, and report this in the chat.
➤ If you have completed the game before the paid period, the payment is not refundable.
➤ Be careful and follow the recommendations in the instructions. If you add an account in guest mode, it will be automatically deleted by the system. Re-entry into the account is prohibited.
➤ Do not change the password on the account. If the account is: "compromised, hacked, stolen". Changes will be quickly identified. In such a situation, a notification will be sent to the administration to restore the account, the account will be restored, but your console will be blocked.
➤ If you refuse to log in to the account, reporting this in the chat, after payment, changed your mind about playing or plans changed. A refund is provided with a deduction of a commission of 80.
➤ By paying for the product, you agree to the terms when purchasing it, you also agree to refuse the possibility of publishing a negative review.
➤ In case of detection of violations, the seller reserves the right to block access to the account without the possibility of refund.


1 month 3 months 12 months
7 24 24
0 0 0
In order to counter copyright infringement and property rights, we ask you to immediately inform us at support@plati.market the fact of such violations and to provide us with reliable information confirming your copyrights or rights of ownership. Email must contain your contact information (name, phone number, etc.)

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