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Residential building reconstruction
Content: text 39 symbols
Product description
The project provides for the reconstruction of a one-story residential building by installing a two-story extension and a second-floor superstructure. On the ground floor there are: Hall, kitchen, hallway, corridor, utility room, furnace room, bathroom, 2 bedrooms, veranda. On the second floor there is a hall, 4 bedrooms, a bathroom. The ascent to the second floor is provided by a wooden staircase the width of the flight of stairs is 0.9 m the dimensions of the steps are 210x210(h). The foundation for the extension to the building is a monolithic strip grillage with a cross-section of 340x600 (h)mm on a pile base. As a pile base, bored piles of ∅300 mm with a depth below the freezing depth are accepted. The foundation grillage is protected from frost heaving by a sand (h=300mm) cushion. The exterior walls of the building are designed t=400mm from gas silicate blocks B5 D600 F35-2 GOST 21520-89, with the exterior-water-repellent vapor-permeable plaster t=10 mm, inside-a layer of plaster t=20mm. Internal walls t=300mm made of gas silicate blocks B5 D600 F35-2
Additional information
The archive contains drawings in dwg format and a pdf version of the project
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