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Return to Terpilov
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Product description
The once famous journalist Ivan Kondratiev is on the verge of dismissal - after the death of his daughter, he went down and drank himself. But fate gives him one more - the last chance. Kondratiev´s school friend, the police chief Yastrebtsov, invites him to take part in the investigation of a number of mysterious murders. A local judge and a wealthy businessman living a strange, solitary life were killed at the hands of criminals. Traces lead to the editorial office of Terpilovskaya Pravda. Kondratiev must get a job in a newspaper and try to find the killer... Together with the journalist, you will plunge into the mysterious and gloomy atmosphere of the provincial Terpilov and be able to test your own intuition by trying to guess the killer. "Return" is not only a subtle psychological thriller, but also a fascinating political novel filled with disputes about the fate of the country. Among the heroes there are both desperate daredevils who dream of a better future for Russia, and conservatives who have settled comfortably under the existing order.