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a. Find antonyms for these words:
1. good -
a) bad;
b) sad;
c) dead.
2. big -
a) large;
b) small;
c) enormous.
3. there -
a) nowhere;
b) anywhere;
c) here.
4. wrong -
a) correct;
b) incorrect;
c) mistaken.
5. near -
a) far;
b) close to;
c) next to.
6. left -
a) right;
b) behind;
c) ahead.
7. country -
a) village;
b) city;
c) farm.
8. come -
a) go;
b) approach;
c) swim.
9. open -
a) reopen large;
b) close small;
c) look enormous.
40. We will visit Mr. Dowson again next week.
a) Will visit Mr. Dowson again next week?
b) We will visit Mr. Dowson again next week?
c) Will we visit Mr. Dowson again next week?
3Period | |||
1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
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