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RFEI "Accounting and analysis of failures" final exam
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FINAL EXAM RFEI "Accounting and analysis of failures." Regional Financial - Economic Institute.
80 questions.
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1. Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" does not include:
a) joint stock companies;
b) in kindergartens;
c) on the church, temples, monasteries;
g) by private dental clinics.
2. Select one of the following persons can apply to the court to declare the debtor bankrupt.
a) creditors;
b) the competent authorities;
c) the employees of the debtor;
d) the debtor himself.
3. Complete the sentence. A bankruptcy case is considering
a) the arbitral tribunal;
6) The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;
c) the arbitration court;
d) the court of general jurisdiction.
4. JSC "Light" declared bankrupt by the court and found not able to restore its solvency due to actual losses
capital. What do you call this kind of bankruptcy?
a) real bankruptcy;
b) fictitious bankruptcy;
c) deliberate bankruptcy;
d) technical bankruptcy.
5.Federalny law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" applies:
a) state enterprises;
b) to legal entities;
c) political parties;
d) for entrepreneurs.
6. What kind of bankruptcy proceedings do not apply to the debtor-entrepreneur?
a) supervision;
b) bankruptcy proceedings;
c) the settlement agreement;
g) financial improvement.
7. In some cases, the arbitral tribunal may not accept the application for recognition of the creditor institution bankrupt?
a) if the amount of debt the organization is less than 1, 00 thousand rubles;
b) if the creditor does not have the statement name of the debtor;
c) if the period of performance of the obligation is greater than three months;
d) if the court has not granted the original statement and a copy.
78. If necessary, the period of bankruptcy proceedings may be extended by the arbitral tribunal in excess of the period (1 year) for another:
a) 1.5 years;
b) 1 year;
c) 8 months;
d) 6 months.
79. At what stage of bankruptcy is possible to conclude the settlement agreement?
a) The financial recovery;
b) bankruptcy proceedings;
c) external management;
d) there is no right answer.
80. The reason for bankruptcy is the debtor's inability to meet the demands of the enterprise from the moment of payment within:
a) 2 months;
b) 3 months;
c) 3.5 months;
g) 1 year.
4Period | |||
1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
0 | 0 | 0 | |
0 | 0 | 0 |